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When is it a bad move to opt for a customised website?

Posted on 03/10/2019

When a new business is starting out, they might decide that the best way to achieve their online objectives is to spend a lot of money on a website. The more they spend, the better it will be and as a result, the more successful their business will be. So off they go to their chosen web designer and spend thousands of pounds on a new website, and then sit and wait for the business to come rolling in. If only it was that easy!


Start from the beginning


To establish or rebrand a business, the online presence absolutely has an essential role to play, but it should be borne out of an overall strategy. What are you trying to achieve with your business? What do your customers want from you? How easy is it to generate leads in the market you’re in? How important is Search Engine Optimisation?


More established businesses should hopefully have a good grasp on all of the above, while new enterprises might need time to experiment and learn about their potential market. Even with the best laid plans, things are likely to change along the way as challenges are overcome and new opportunities present themselves. While a new business finds its feet and establishes itself by adapting and changing, custom built websites could prove to be a waste of money.


When website themes are a winner


Website design themes are a great option for new businesses, especially when sourced from a supplier that knows your industry. Here are some of the reasons we think design themes trump a customised web build for start-ups:


-      Design themes provide a more cost effective and quicker route to getting online. The whole process is faster because a lot of the hard work has already been done up front.

-      If you use a specialist in your industry, they will know from experience what works and what doesn’t on a website in your sector. You can use their expertise rather than take time experimenting for yourself.

-      No need to compromise on results – a good website theme will generate leads for you as well as a customised site.

-      Built-in functionality means your website can stand its ground against competitors without costing the earth.  

-      Good website theme suppliers will also offer ongoing support to ensure the short and long-term experience of developing your website is hassle-free.


We’ve concentrated a lot on start-ups in this blog, but website themes are certainly not limited to new businesses. We’ve delivered website design themes to hundreds of new enterprises and hundreds of well-established businesses alike and generated real leads and real results for all of them.


A time and a place


As many of you will know, we also have a sister company, The Consultancy, that creates bespoke websites for the window and door sector, so just to be clear we aren’t saying that you should never choose a customised site, we’re simply pointing out that there is a time and place for bespoke and a time and a place for website themes. Which is best for you?


We’d love to hear your views on this topic, or if you need help deciphering which option is best for your business today, please get in touch with

Call us now for more information on
01642 378 201